Real World: Graduation

27 11 2009

Growing up, it seemed that adults would relish at the opportunity to ask a group of young students what they wanted to be when they grew up. And as always, there were the typical responses. There was always the “I want to be a firefighter” kid, the “I want to an astronaut” kid, and the “I want to be a Dr.” kid. Missing from this group was the “I want to be a struggling college graduate, looking for a better job than the one that I have” kid. Somewhere missing along the path to where so many of us find ourselves today was the motivational speech or the round table discussion of just how tough the “The Real World” actually is.

Missing from the conversations over dinner was the transition from the college life to adulthood. As December graduation ceremonies approach, it brings back memories of just how great college life really was. Thousands of friends and associates in one city, multiple week breaks between semesters, dinner on a meal plan, parties every weekend, and minimal bills. Although at the time, you seemed poised to take the next step in life and those breaks never seemed long enough, there is that moment in reflection that every student wishes they could go back. 6 months after you walk across the stage, Sallie will have a nice shiny bill in your mailbox, and more problems seem to come with the money you may happen to be bringing in.

It’s at this time in life that so many of us are on the verge of “something big”. Whether that “something” be a dream that you’ve been pursuing, an advanced degree that will put your where you want to be, a promotion, or a business endeavor you hope to grant you millionaire status. Whatever it is, there’s no better time than the present and it won’t happen unless you take a chance. We’re taking our chance on ArtOfficial Intelligence, and with a hope and a prayer; maybe, just maybe, it might be “something big”.



One response

10 01 2010
Sa'Toya Truss

Well said! I’m so proud of you! This is a beautiful “chance that, I believe, is bound to become “something big” because I’m sure the men behind it are big and destined for greatness. There’s no maybes about it. *smile*

With much support,


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